Over the last few decades, the move towards healthier eating, and organic and plant-based diets has created a boom in food categories considered part of the healthy food segment. As the healthier food movement grew larger many food manufacturers actively supported it and introduced products to serve the fringe demand. However, when the demand for healthier foods rapidly increased, almost everyone was caught off guard. Caught off guard because consumers were specific in what they wanted, but they weren’t all looking for the same thing. Additionally, consumers now had the Internet and social media to help them with personalized food education. When large manufacturers are forced to catch up to a changing market they often seize upon established terminology to gain the trust of consumers. Occasionally, this results in once meaningful and trustworthy terminology being co-opted by marketers and corporate accountants.
Take the nutrition bar for example. What is a nutrition bar? Does it have to have granola? Is it a snack, a meal replacement, or an after-workout supplement? Is it all three?
Unlike organic foods, there are no regulations to determine what can be called a nutrition bar. When granola bars covered in chocolate and nutrient-dense protein bars can both be categorized as nutrition bars, consumers deserve to know what food manufacturers stand for. The largest food manufacturers are hoping you don’t care. We think you do.
The Sport Pux Difference
The people behind Sport Pux are a multi-generational family driven by a value system to create biologically pure foods with naturally occurring ingredients free of chemicals, additives, and processing agents. These food innovators utilize a unique manufacturing process that removes 50% of the common nutrition bar production stages. Not only does this process preserve the nutritional value of Sport Pux’s ingredients, but it also allows for complimentary natural ingredients that eliminate the need for artificial additives in a no-bake, no-freeze nutrition bar.
Natural sweeteners
Organic coconut - milk from coconuts contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which are easily metabolized by the body to provide a quick source of energy. Coconut helps restore fluids lost during physical activity and are a rich source of various nutrients, including healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals
Brown Rice Syrup - a low glycemic sweetener and complex carbohydrate that provides product sweetness without spiking blood sugar. Absorbed slowly by the body, brown rice syrup provides a steady source of energy and replenishes glycogen stores during exercise.
Organic Cane Juice - a natural sweetener derived from the sugarcane plant containing natural electrolytes to keep athletes hydrated during intense physical activity. In addition to being a good source of carbohydrates, cane juice also provides iron, calcium, and other nutrients essential for optimal health and athletic performance.
Unsweetened Cocoa - studies suggest that unsweetened cocoa may improve endurance and reduce fatigue during exercise, while also being high in antioxidants, minerals, and other beneficial compounds.
Natural Durability
Nutrition bar durability refers to things like shelf life and the ability of a product to withstand intense heat, cold, dry, and moist conditions. Sport Pux uses natural ingredients to improve product shelf life and make bars so resilient they will never freeze, melt, crumble, or dry out.
Tapioca flour - a type of flour derived from the root of the cassava plant. It is commonly used as a thickening agent and has a neutral taste. In addition to being gluten-free and very versatile, tapioca flour is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Consuming foods made with tapioca flour before or during exercise can help provide sustained energy.
Peanut flour - compared to peanut butter, the lower fat level in peanut flour helps improve the shelf life of products. Although lower in fat, peanut flour still has all the attributes that make peanuts a formidable superfood: protein, fiber, and an array of awesome nutrients.
Orang Peel - studies show orange peels can be used as a thickening agent and have sufficient preservative properties to extend the shelf life of products. Additionally, orange peels provide antioxidants and can improve digestion.
Naturally cost-effective
One of the primary reasons food manufacturers use sugar in their products is because it’s a cheap ingredient for energy and flavor. It’s even useful as a binding agent. Sport Pux unique manufacturing process removes the need for refined sugars and instead uses natural and healthy ingredients to create a better product, in less time for less cost.
Decades of research and innovation have gone into Sport Pux nutrition bars. The result is a great-tasting, grab-and-go snack, biologically pure, easy to consume, and versatile enough to serve any lifestyle from competitive athletes to health-conscious professionals and busy students.